26. International Timber Structure Forum (IHF) 2022
From November 30th to December 2nd the 26th International Timber Construction Forum will take place in the Congress Center in Innsbruck. This is reason enough for SIHGA, as the new partner of Forum Holzbau, to invite you to take part.
30 November – 2 Dezember 2022, Congress Innsbruck, Österreich
After a ”Covid-forced break“ of two years, it is finally possible to meet for the annual closure of the timber structure branch. Preparations for the second IHF in Innsbruck are well underway. 2019 2,450 participants, exhibitors and sponsors switched to the more capable congress center. The program for the 26 IHF was created on this basis – in the well-tried procedure from Wednesday to Friday. For SIHGA, being a new partner of the Forum, this is reason enough to invite you already.
Especially in times of change meetings such as the IHF are particularly important. Of course, to report on successfully completed construction projects, but also – maybe even more important – to cast a glance into the future, since the building industry has to face fundamental change when it comes to natural resources, energy for its extraction, engineering and personnel – all at the same time! Due to the wide range of participants, the IHF offers a perfect prerequisite for information and solution for these changing circumstances. The conference, taking place from 30 November to 2 December at the congress center Innsbruck (www.cmi.at/en), will be complemented by a specialized exhibition, which will host more than 180 exhibitors (current status).
Also SIHGA is represent on the forum - you will find us in DOGANA ground floor (DG) at Booth DG006.
Exhibitor plan: https://forum-holzbau.com/IHF/pdf/IHF_Ausstellerplan.pdf
Full program: https://forum-holzbau.com/IHF/Programm.php
8 November 2022