SIHGA® - Provides innovative construction technology and support for the future

Here you will find all companies with which SIHGA® works or networks.
Here you will find a list of all current vacancies at SIHGA® as well as the opportunity for an unsolicited application.
Here you will find an excerpt of our references in the fields of timber construction, terrace and facade.
Strong for our customers
SIHGA® ssees every customer as a partner. We primarily supply trade, specialist retailers and industry. The SIHGA® timber construction engineers create desing proposals, advise on implementation, train users on site and organize specialist seminars for special areas in timber construction. Our innovations are packed exclusively in tailer-made system packaging and alsways include assembly instructions and high-quality accessories.
Strong for the world
In order to protect our environment and the health of our employees in the best possible way, we pay careful attention to the use of environmentally friendly and recyclable materials and environmentally friendly production when manufacturing our packaging and all printed matter.
>> We are trustworthy, environmentally conscious and humane
>> We make timber construction safer, more efficient and more attractive
>> We set new standards in timber construction
>> We are visionary, professional and customer-centered
Strong innovations
Our products are developed in Austria, carefully packaged and tested many times.
SIHGA® is the inventor of Alu-TeFix®, Betsi®, BeziFee®, BeziFix®, BohrFix®, DielenFix®, FassadenClip®, FugiFix®, GleitFix®, GoFix®, Herakulix®, HobaFix®, Hobet®, Hozibo®, IdeFix®, JustiFix®, Klebsan®, KompeFix®, LamellenFix, L-GoFix®, Monitorix®, Pfalu®, Pfalu Aquastop®, Pick, Pick PSA, Pick Engel®, Pick Max®, Pick Out, Pocket Traverse, ProziFix®, Rest-X®, RomboFix®, SIHGAFIX®, Stabilix, Stegsan®, SystemFix®, TefaBind®, TefaFix®, TefaFlex®, TeFix®, TerrassenFix®, WabaFix® and ZaFix®.
SIHGA® is an Austrian state-awarded enterprise and is awarded as a leading company in Germany and as a leading company in Austria. In addition, SIHGA® holds over 80 patents, utility models and trademarks. SIHGA® is the license holder and is also monitored by independent testing institutes.
Cultural Capital Salzkammergut
We are part of it
We are proud to be part of the Salzkammergut Capital of Culture. With our headquarters in Ohlsdorf, we are right in the centre of the action and are supporting this important project with our high-quality products. One outstanding example is the grandstand in Ried am Wolfgangsee, which was largely constructed using our innovative fastening technologies. Discover how our solutions contribute to the realisation of impressive buildings.